Resolution 15: SA R15: Requesting that the University Provide Funds for an MD Gynecologist at Cornell Health

TermAY 2022-2023
AssemblyStudent Assembly
StatusAcknowledged by the President
AbstractThe student health service at Cornell’s Ithaca campus, Cornell Health, does not currently have an MD gynecologist on staff, which impedes many students from receiving necessary gynecological care. This resolution requests that the university provide funding for Cornell Health to employ an MD gynecologist who is able to diagnose and treat the most common gynecological issues in the student population, including chronic vulvovaginal conditions and pelvic pain conditions.
Resolution FilePDF icon resolution_15_-_md_gynecologist.pdf
Supporting Documents
TitleSA R15: Requesting that the University Provide Funds for an MD Gynecologist at Cornell Health
Sponsors Valeria Nicole Valencia (vnv8), Morgan Hope Baker (mhb228), Amisha Chowdhury (aac272), David Aiden Nachman (dan84), Arielle Rose Johnson (arj66), Victor Wu (vw78)
Reviewing CommitteeStudent Assembly Executive Committee

Resolution History

Date Action View Details
11/17/2022 Adopted by the Assembly view
12/17/2022 Conveyed to the President view
02/10/2023 Acknowledged by the President view

Associated Meetings

Meeting Date View Details
Cornell University - University Assembly Meeting 11/29/2022 4:45pm to 6:00pm view


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