
Please see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (prepared by the EA)  as well.

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Archive Website (History and Records of the Assemblies from 2006-2016)*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes, available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Assembly Name: Employee Assembly

Res. No. Resolution Status Abstract Last Updated Assembly Name Term
10 Revision and Renaming of The Opperman Award Accepted by the President In 2013, the Employee Assembly established the Opperman Award for Staff Advocacy to extend their appreciation and gratitude to Vice President of Human Resources and Safety Services, Mary George Opperman for fostering a positive environment where staff are valued contributors to the campus community and its mission. The Award for Staff Integrity and Inclusion will replace the Opperman Award but share the same values in recognizing staff who consistently demonstrate their commitment to encouraging and supporting staff integrity and inclusion. 05/20/2021 4:30pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
9 Enabling EA Election Seats & Terms Accepted by the President This resolution enables the EA R2 (Updating the Employee Assembly Charter to expand its Membership) (2020) reforms in the spring 2021 election cycle. 03/17/2021 8:45pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
8 Updates to The George Peter Award for Dedicated Service Acknowledged by the President The George Peter Award for Dedicated Service is the longest running and most prestigious university-wide peer-nominated award for staff. Since its inception in 1980, the award has been conferred to over 190 Cornell employees. The Employee Assembly would like to continue this long-standing tradition with refined terms, eligibility and criteria 03/18/2021 8:45pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
7 Postponing Spring 2021 Elections Accepted by the President This resolution delays the 2021 spring elections. 03/17/2021 8:45pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
6 Support for Student Assembly Leadership from Racism, Threats and Harassment Acknowledged by the President This resolution is a statement of support for Student Assembly Leadership in the face of racism, threats and harassment. 02/11/2021 8:45am Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
5 Thanking the Administration for their Continued Support of Staff During COVID-19 Tabled Indefinitely In recognition of Cornell University Senior Leadership for their continued support of staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. 12/16/2020 1:30pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
4 In Recognition and Appreciation of Cornell University Students Acknowledged by the President This resolution is a formal recognition of the response of Cornell University students to the COVID-19 pandemic and to thank them for their efforts to protect Cornell’s Ithaca campus community. 12/02/2020 5:00pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
3 Employee Assembly Condemning Hate Crime and Any Other Form of Racism, Religious or Ethnic Bias, Discrimination, Incitement to Violence (2020SU) Acknowledged by the President This resolution is a statement condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence targeting any person at Cornell University. 08/25/2020 9:30am Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
3 In Recognition and Appreciation of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Acknowledged by the President On the occasion of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Employee Assembly celebrates her long and distinguished career, her contributions to our country, and her unrelenting support of women and marginalized communities. 10/08/2020 5:15pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
2 Updating the Employee Assembly Charter to Expand its Membership (2020SU) Acknowledged by the President Resolution to amend the Employee Assembly Charter and align the assembly's membership with current University structure reflecting a more comprehensive representation of University Staff. 08/25/2020 9:30am Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
2 In Recognition and Appreciation of Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program Participants Acknowledged by the President On the occasion of the retirement of 213 faculty and staff participants in the Voluntary Retirement Incentive program effective September 16, 2020, the Employee Assembly thanks and celebrates their careers and contributions to the Cornell Community. 09/17/2020 7:00pm Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
1 Protect Staff Jobs and Compensation (2020SU) Acknowledged by the President This resolution is in support of continued employment for Cornell staff with no salary cuts or retirement cuts as proposed, and is a formal request to the administration to incorporate reasonable alternatives to such actions. 08/25/2020 9:30am Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021
1 Approval of the 2020-2021 Operating Budget Accepted by the President This is the operative budget for the Employee Assembly 2020-2021 legislative session. 10/14/2020 8:45am Employee Assembly AY 2020-2021