Office of the Assemblies Support Staff

Status: Active
First Name Last Name NetID Uid Membership Type - Role Term
Auriole Fassinou arf75 13471 Voting Member - Clerk of the Graduate & Professional Student Assembly AY 2021-2022
Ciara Shanahan cms534 14585 Voting Member - Clerk of the Student Assembly AY 2021-2022
Jana Alzayer jma345 15386 Voting Member - Flex Clerk AY 2021-2022
Jenny Zhang jjz62 14608 Voting Member - Clerk of the Employee Assembly AY 2021-2022
Kassandra Jordan klj64 14586 Voting Member - Clerk of the University Assembly AY 2021-2022
Vacant Position Vacant 11893 Assembly Manager - Senior Coordinator, Office of the Assemblies AY 2021-2022
Status: Inactive
First Name Last Name NetID Uid Membership Type - Role Term
Dakota Stennett-Neris ds867 14637 Assembly Manager - Office of the Assemblies Staff (inactive as of 10/03/2021) AY 2021-2022
Wendy Treat wgt2 14042 Assembly Manager - Senior Coordinator, Office of the Assemblies (inactive as of 02/28/2022) AY 2021-2022