Resolution: GPSA R15: Requesting that First-Year Writing Seminar Instructors be Allowed to Hold Virtual Discussions in Whatever Way They Deem Appropriate

ActionAcknowledged by the President



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Dear Andy,
Thank you for sending me GPSA Resolution 15: Requesting That First-Year Writing Seminar Instructors Be Allowed to Hold Virtual Discussions in Whatever Way They Deem Appropriate.  As you may know, the president’s office does not dictate academic program content or establish instructional methods. I’m sharing your resolution with the leadership of both the John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines and the College of Arts and Sciences with the request that they reflect on concerns you have raised and explore whether different options could be offered.
With this exceptional spring semester nearly behind us, I want to offer my heartfelt appreciation to the hundreds of teaching assistants and graduate FWS instructors. Your enthusiasm and creativity demonstrate the spirit of “educational verve” that is one of my priorities for Cornell. I’m proud of what the Cornell community has accomplished when confronted with the challenges of the past few months, and I hope the coming summer will offer graduate and professional students an opportunity to relax and recharge.
Martha Pollack
Martha E. Pollack
President, Cornell University
300 Day Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Tel: 607-255-5201