Resolution: GPSA R18: Financial Incentive for Executive Committee

ActionReturned by the President

In order to solidify the GPSA’s commitment to equitable participation in the shared governance model, this resolution seeks to provide a financial incentive to those who fill roles on the GPSA Executive Committee.

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Dear Preston,


Thank you for the GPSA’s work to develop GPSA Resolution #18: Financial Incentive for GPSA Executive Committee. I understand the importance of recognizing the leadership of our campus governance bodies for their extensive time commitment, critical work, and essential advocacy for their constituencies. These past few years have been especially difficult for many in our community to carve out extra time to volunteer.


As the GPSA is a byline-funded organization, funded in whole by the student activity fee, Appendix B in the GPSA Charter provides guidelines and parameters for how each funded organization may use its allocation. To be in compliance with your charter, I recommend revising the Appendix B to include provisions that allow the GPSA to fund its leadership. The GPSA Bylaws then set forth the procedure for executing the process of setting the GPSA Internal Budget. I encourage you to work with the Office of the Assemblies on the procedural changes necessary to amend your governing documents.


Thank you for sharing your resolution and considering thoughtful, appropriate ways to recognize and reward the leadership of our Cornell Assemblies.




Martha E. Pollack

President, Cornell University

300 Day Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853