Resolution: SA R37: Approving the Student Assembly Finance Commission’s Executive Board Members and Commissioners

ActionConveyed to the President

Dear President Skorton, <br /><br />I would like to convey Resolution 37: Approving the Student Assembly Finance Commission’s Executive Board Members and Commissioners to you. This resolution was sponsored by the SA's VP for Finance, Matthew Stefanko.

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Dear President Skorton, <br /><br />I would like to convey Resolution 37: Approving the Student Assembly Finance Commission’s Executive Board Members and Commissioners to you. This resolution was sponsored by the SA's VP for Finance, Matthew Stefanko. <br /><br />This resolution calls for the approval of commissioners and executive board members of the SAFC. We are looking forward to seeing the successes of the SAFC leadership in the following semester, and the semesters to come. <br /><br />Thanks for your time and consideration. <br /><br />Best, <br />Sarah <br />