Resolution: SA R50: Requesting the Establishment of the Cornell University Police Department Oversight Committee

ActionAcknowledged by the President


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Dear Cat,
As you know, Joe conveyed to me Resolution 50: Establishment of the Cornell University Police Department Oversight Committee. Section 6431 of Article 129-A of New York State Education Law mandates that we have an advisory committee on campus security, which we accomplish with Cornell’s Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC). The committee is required to review campus security policies and procedures and make recommendations for their improvement. 
Earlier this year, I announced that I had asked the PSAC to redouble their efforts to engage our community, with a specific focus on procedures and training in the areas of use of force, de-escalation techniques, and cultural competency. 
I believe the PSAC fulfills the intent behind this resolution, and I look forward to continued student involvement in this group.
Martha Pollack
Martha E. Pollack
President, Cornell University
300 Day Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Tel: 607-255-5201