Resolution 32: SA R32: Amending the Student Assembly Charter in Allyship with HAVEN

TermAY 2023-2024
AssemblyStudent Assembly
StatusIn Discussion
AbstractThis resolution amends the Student Assembly Charter to include additional roles of the LGBTQIA+ Liaison and exempts HAVEN from disclosing a full list of member names in order to submit a valid Byline application.
Resolution FilePDF icon resolution_32_amending_the_student_assembly_charter_in_allyship_with_haven.pdf
Supporting Documents
TitleSA R32: Amending the Student Assembly Charter in Allyship with HAVEN
Sponsors Karys Athena Everett (kae84)
Reviewing CommitteeStudent Assembly Diversity Committee

Resolution History

Associated Meetings

Meeting Date View Details
Cornell University - Student Assembly Meeting 10/19/2023 4:45pm to 6:30pm view
Cornell University - Student Assembly Meeting 10/26/2023 4:45pm to 6:30pm view
Cornell University - Student Assembly Meeting 11/02/2023 4:45pm to 6:30pm view


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