Resolution 53: SA R53: Funding for Ornithological Conservation Projects

TermAY 2023-2024
AssemblyStudent Assembly
StatusAcknowledged by the President
AbstractA resolution requesting an increase in funding for the Student Assembly Environmental Policy and Planning Commission (SAEPPC), so that the commission may fund a conservation project on a university property.
Resolution FilePDF icon resolution_53_-_funding_for_ornithological_conservation_projects.pdf
Supporting Documents
TitleSA R53: Funding for Ornithological Conservation Projects
Sponsors Adam Sawyer Vinson (asv33), Flora Meng (zm264), Kassandra Li Jordan (klj64)
Reviewing CommitteeStudent Assembly Environmental Committee

Resolution History

Date Action View Details
02/15/2024 Adopted by the Assembly view
03/08/2024 Conveyed to the President view
03/15/2024 Acknowledged by the President view

Associated Meetings


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